Month: December 2021

Bhulekh Rajasthan: e-Dharti, Jamabandi Khasra Nakal Online

Bhulekh Rajasthan: In this section, we will learn how to check the status of Bhulekh Rajasthan. The Revenue Department has made a copy of the Jamabandi Account available for download on their website. Anyone will now be able to obtain a Bhulekh copy of his or her farmland from the comfort of their own house.

Throughout this article, we will learn how to watch Bhulekh Rajasthan Jamabandi Khasra Nakal online in easy language by following a step-by-step procedure. In other words, if you live in Rajasthan and are involved with agriculture in some way, this essay would be extremely beneficial to you. As a result, make sure to read the entire post.

As we all know, when we needed information regarding our lands, such as land records, Jamabandi, Khasra, and other facts, we had to go to various government offices, such as Patwari and Accountant, to obtain it. Even though, no information about the land was discovered at this time.

Bhulekh Rajasthan Jamabandi web portal

However, the Rajasthan government has established an internet portal, which will provide help to the state’s citizens. Any person of Rajasthan can access all of his or her farming information from the comfort of his or her own home. The next section contains all of the necessary information. You can view the documents pertaining to your lands, such as the Khasra, Nakal, Bhulekh, and Jamabandi, in this section. So, let’s get this started.

The Rajasthan bhulekh nakal khasra jamabandi is an essential document in the field of agriculture. It is written in the Rajasthani language. There is a book in which the entire description of a piece of land is written in the name of any individual from the hamlet.

Rajasthan Apna Khata Jamabandi Nakal Khasra Khatauni Naksha

For example, what kind of soil is in that field, what kinds of plants are in the field, and who owns the land are all questions that need to be answered. This vital document contains all of the information that is similar. You may watch it online whenever you want, and you can also download it. All of the necessary information is provided further down in the text, so please read it through to the conclusion for additional information.

Many chores have grown easier for us humans to complete as a result of the Internet’s assistance. Watching Rajasthan Jamabandi online, like many other things, has gotten relatively simple in recent years. You will receive additional information on this subject. You will be able to obtain a copy of your Jamabandi account copy with relative ease.

How to verify and obtain a copy of the Bhulekh Rajasthan Jamabandi account?

Read the step-by-step instructions provided here carefully if you want to obtain the Bhulekh Rajasthan data of a Khet plot or any other land online. So that you will not have any difficulties in obtaining a Jamabandi copy of the document.

1. Navigate to the Apna khata Raj website

When obtaining an online copy of your farm land or plot, you must first visit the Revenue Department Rajasthan website,

bhulekh rajasthan select district

2. Select Your Local Government District

The map of Rajasthan will be accessible after the official website has been launched. Choose the district for which you wish to see the Bhulekh details from the drop-down menu.

Rajasthan's Districts with Bhulekh Online

3. Choose a Tehsil (province)

Following the selection of a district, a list of all the tehsils within that district will be displayed. The Tehsil you live in can be found on the map provided below.

bhulekh rajasthan Tehsil

4. Choose a village

As soon as the tehsil is picked, the next step will display a list of all the villages that fall under that tehsil’s jurisdiction. Choose your village from the drop-down menu. You can also look for a certain village using the search box on the right-hand side of the page.

bhulekh rajasthan village

5. Make a note of your account number

To check the Jamabandi copy, select the Account option from the Select option drop-down menu. Following that, select your account number. Then choose the one you want to use. As illustrated in the screenshot.

6. Take a look at the bhulekh jamabandi copy

Bhulekh Rajasthan Jamabandi copy conversion

Immediately after selecting the account number, the Jamabandi copy will appear on the screen in full-color. Detailed information regarding Khasra specifics, area details, and land classification will be made available on this page. This is where you can see all of the details about account copying in detail.

7. Examine a copy of the Jamabandi from Khata Khasra’s collection

Apart from the account number, the Jamabandi copy can also be examined using the Khasra number or the name of the person who signed it. In order to accomplish this, choose the option by measles or by name from the Select option drop-down menu. As illustrated in the screenshot.


Rajasthan Bhulekh Jamabandi is a highly important document that is frequently required in the course of government activity in some capacity. Alternatively, if you wish to download it, you can do so as a PDF file by selecting Print from the browser’s menu.

What is the URL of the Rajasthan E – Dharti’s official website?

The Rajasthan Revenue Department has made the official web portal E – Dharti available for you to use in order to obtain a copy of your account statement. is the website address for this organization. The removal of Jamabandi copies can be accomplished by accessing this webpage.

bhulekh rajastham e dharti website english

How do I receive a copy of my Rajasthan account online?

To obtain a Rajasthan Khata copy of a Khet plot or any other land online, you must first visit the E-Dharti official website. Then you can obtain a copy of your account from your district, tehsil, village, and account Khasra number, among other places.

How do you obtain a copy of your Jamabandi account online in your name?

Jamabandi account copies in your name can likewise be obtained rather quickly. Apna khata’s official website should be visited in order to do this task. Then, in the choose option, look for the option by name.

bhulekh rajasthan mutuation

What is the best place to go if you have a problem with Rajasthan Bhulekh Jamabandi copying?

If there is an error in the Jamabandi record that pertains to your farm or land, or if you have an issue with it, you should contact the Tehsil office for assistance. Officers / personnel have been sent to your location in order to resolve your issue.


This article contains detailed instructions on how to obtain Bhulekh Rajasthan from your computer. You will be able to examine and download the Rajasthan Khata Nakal Jamabandi record online much more readily now that it has been made available. Please accept my sincere hope that you have found the material on Rajasthan Bhulekh to be of assistance.

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